Air Conditioning Service

At Burrows Toyota

Book an Air Conditioning Service with us to ensure that your Toyota is working at its very best as well as keeping it free from the bacteria and odours that are known to build up in the Air Conditioning system.

Over time fungi and bacteria can form in your vehicles air conditioning, spreading germs and odours throughout your car. Our Toyota Trained Technicians will use a de-sanitisation treatment and will re-gas the system allowing you to breathe fresh air again.

Getting air conditioning treatment regularly is both curative and preventative; helping to eliminate foul odours and providing long lasting anti-bacterial and anti-fungal protection.

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Get in touch with us

For more information about the Toyota air conditioning service click on the enquiry button above, call one of the numbers below or pop into your local Burrows Toyota dealership:

Burrows Rotherham (in Wickersley)
01709 212602

Burrows Barnsley
01226 448446

Burrows Doncaster
01302 244097

Burrows Sheffield
0114 3081892

Burrows Worksop
01909 498561