An insurance company may try to have a repair done at the cheapest possible price, but this might carry a high price for you.
An insurance company may choose to use non genuine parts, or even second hand parts often recovered from other vehicles that have been total losses. These parts are called ‘green’ parts. Why would an insurance company choose to use them? Well they are cheaper, having already been fitted onto another vehicle. This helps the insurance company control the repair cost but the price of second hand or non-genuine parts could cost you dearly as non genuine parts will invalidate any manufacturer warranty your vehicle may have.
The insurance company may also refuse a courtesy car if you choose not to use their repairer, and even increase the insurance excess, making the repair cost you even more. But don’t worry, if your vehicle is one of the makes on the Burrows Approved Manufacturer Repair List then we may be able to assist you. Don’t hesitate to give us a call, or click to get an estimate.
But don’t take our word for the tactics used by insurance companies, you can firm more useful motor claim information from The Motor Claim Guru below: